Friday, February 4, 2011

Daily Schedule for Weeks 4 & 5

Week 4:  Representations of the Buddha 

M:  Gandhara Buddha (1-10) and Buddhist Iconography
W: Buddhas from Mathura (1-12), Sarnath (1-15) Sukothai (2-11), 
F:  Buddhas from China (3-11; 3-14), Tibet, Japan + First Exercise DUE

Week 5: Buddhist Temples: from stupa to pagoda
M:  Great Stupa at Sanchi (1-7)

W: Chaitya Hall, Karle; Borobadur;
Schwedagon Pagoda (2-13)
Fougang Si Pagoda (3-23); and maybe Horyuji Temple Complex (5-9)

Week 6: Hindu Deities -- esp. Shiva